Terms & Conditions

ACE CIC Terms and Conditions


1.      Bookings

2.      Discounts

3.      Customer Cancellation/Refunds/Changes

4.      Cancellation by uPlay

5.      Activities

6.      Photography/Video Footage

7.      Personal Property/Lost Property

8.      Exclusions and Late pickup

9.      Child Protection

10.  Your child’s information

11.  Data protection

12.  Special Requirements

13.  Complaints


All bookings are made online via our website. Once you receive your booking confirmation email your booking is confirmed and you are required to pay the fee stated by credit card/childcare voucher within 24 hours of receipt of your confirmation email.

Sessions must be booked in advance to enable us to manage the coach to player ratio and confirm the venue booking.


Sibling discounts – a 10% sibling discount on each additional child after the first child, is offered on all of our camps and courses. The discount will be automatically deducted at checkout, however siblings must be put on the same order to receive the discount.

Customer Cancellation/Refunds/Changes

All courses/camps/activities

No refunds will be issued once enrolled in a course, camp or other activity.

If you/your child wishes to cancel as a result of illness or injury, a letter from a doctor or medical professional will need to be produced within 14 days of cancellation. In this case we will credit your account with any remaining unused fees, less a £10 admin fee.

Changes to your booking

You can change your booking provided there is space in the group/session/camp you wish to change to. Each change is subject to a £10 admin fee.

In order to change your booking you must email admin@ace-active.co.uk


Any credit amount must be used within 12 months from date of issue.

Coaching course make up sessions

If you miss a session you may ask permission to make it up in another group that term providing there is another group on offer that is of a suitable level and there is sufficient space to accommodate any extra persons. If you wish to do this you must confirm with the ACE CIC head office – admin@ace-active.co.uk

Cancellation by uPlay

We will inform you in advance of the start of any session if we are forced to cancel that session. If you do not hear from us, you must always assume the session is going ahead.

Any courses/camps/activities that have insufficient numbers of participants may be cancelled at our discretion. In this event we will offer a full refund for the cancelled course/camp/activity that has been cancelled.

If a coaching course session is cancelled by us due to inclement weather we will make up that session at another time that is available in the schedule. If you cannot attend the make up session, you may request to join another class that term, provided there is one available of suitable level and with space.

Once a session has started it is deemed to have taken place and will not be made up if the weather turns bad during the session.

For coaching course sessions, the coach may leave the site after 15 minutes passed the start time if nobody shows and has not been warned of your late arrival. This will not constitute a cancelled session by us.

If a coaching course session is cancelled by us due to coach unavailability we will make up that session another time that is available in the schedule. If you cannot attend the make up session, you may request to join another class that term, provided there is one available of suitable level and with space. If none of these options can be utilised we will then offer you a credit for the missed session.

Camp/Course session activities

Activities will take place inside and/or outside and may include theory, quiz or game sessions that take place inside a classroom or similar.

You/your child should wear appropriate sports clothing, non-marking trainers, no jewellery and long hair should be tied back.

Photography/Video footage

We may from time to time take photographs/ videos of any activity. The use of which is solely for promoting and publicising our activities through relevant use on social media, our website and for advertising. Please note we cannot guarantee your child will appear on these.

Parents/ guardians that do not wish for their child to be photographed/filmed must make us aware of this at the time of booking in writing and before the activity starts to the lead coach. Please state this also on your online booking.

Personal Property/Lost Property

We cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to any personal belongings whilst attending any of our activities.

Please ensure that you/your child/ren do not bring valuables to any of our activities.

We will hold on to lost property for a maximum of 2 weeks before it is either recycled or given to a local charity.

No electronic tablets, mobile phones or recording devices are permitted during any of our activities.

These must be kept in your/your childs bag for the entire activity.

During any child activities, if a child is seen to be using their electronic device on multiple occasions it will be confiscated and returned at the at the end of the activity.

Exclusions and Late Pick up

We reserve the right to exclude any child for any reason at its absolute discretion, including persistent late collection, consistent bad behaviour, bullying or any other major infraction of the rules the coaches set. No refund will be made for days missed and no compensation will be made for any other costs or losses incurred as a result.

It is your responsibility to make sure that you are there to pick your child up on time after their session has finished.

Please note if more than 10 minutes late for a normal pick up, a £5 charge will be applied.

If more than 10 minutes late for a late stay pick up (after 5pm on camps) an £10 charge will be applied for every 30 minutes that you are late.

Child Protection

All our staff are DBS checked and have regular training in safeguarding in accordance with our qualifications/ insurance. They all act in accordance with our child protection policy – a copy of which is available on request. Please email admin@ace-active.co.uk

Your Child’s Information

It is the responsibility of the person making the booking to ensure that all details provided are accurate.

In particular, full info about each child, including medical and other special educational needs, and emergency contact info.

If we do not have all this information before camp/session starts, your child will not be allowed to leave your care.

We cannot take responsibility for the child until we have all of this information.

Data Protection

We will hold all personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Special Requirements

You agree that you/your child is fit and able to take part in the activities they are due to partake in. If there are any medical or behavioural concerns that would preclude you/your child from taking part in any whole activity or part of an activity you must inform us at the time of your booking.

We recognise that the needs of individual adults/children vary, and will endeavour to accommodate anyone with specific needs and medical conditions, as much as possible.

It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to inform us of any medical conditions, special educational needs, or disabilities when booking online or over email so we can discuss how best to accommodate the child and consider whether there are reasonable adjustments which can be made to ensure they are able to fully participate and enjoy the activities within the staffing ratios.

The needs of each child vary so decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and depend upon the level of support each individual child may require.

We cannot guarantee that we can accommodate all children with specific needs or medical conditions.

Where we feel that a child is not coping in a session, we reserve the right to ask the parent/carer to come and collect their child. No refund will be available.

Where a child does require one-to-one support, we will permit parents/carers to attend the camp/session to support their child, providing they are fully DBS checked and vetted.

We do not provide one-to-one support.


We are committed to ensuring every adult/child has a great time on our coaching courses or camps. If you or your child is not happy with the service, we provide then we would like to hear about it.

In the first instance, please raise your concern with the senior coach at the activity. He/she will deal with the problem in accordance with our policies and procedures.

If your problem is not resolved to your satisfaction, then please write to our customer services team at admin@ace-active.co.uk within 7 days of your/your child’s attendance of the activity. We will respond to your complaint within 28 days.

We take your views and complaints very seriously and will endeavour to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible.